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Call for papers

NICEST’23 welcomes everyone in the field of Civil Engineering to present their original works, findings and experience as technical papers in the conference. All the abstracts of the proposed papers submitted to the conference will be peer-reviewed and if accepted will be called for presentation. The high-quality papers will be invited to publish in a reputed Scopus indexed Journal. The additional Publication charges if any should be borne by the authors. Authors are requested to send their abstract by 10 May 2023, upon acceptance the full paper need to be submitted on or before 31 May 2023, both in word and PDF format to For formatting guidelines visit

Guidelines for paper submission

Paper Size and Article Length

· A4 with 1” margins on all four sides

 · Single column format

· Article should not exceed 15 pages including figures tables and references.

Running Text

· Time New Roman Font

· 12 Size

· 1.5 Line Spacing

 · Subsection headings are in bold


· Single spacing

· No Vertical Lines

· Heading above the Table

· Units are to be specified legibly.

· The values may be rounded off uniformly.


· Place figure title below the figure in bold

 · The data points/lines/curves/fits should be visible clearly

· Exported images with 300 DPI are preferred


· References should be numbered in square brackets and should be placed at the end of the article.

· In the main body of text, the references should be cited with appropriate number in square brackets.

A. Print References


Author(s). Book title. Location: Publishing company, year, pp. Example: W.K. Chen. Linear Networks and Systems. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123-35.

Book Chapters

Author(s). “Chapter title” in Book title, edition, volume. Editors name, Ed. Publishing location: Publishing company, year, pp. Example: J.E. Bourne. “Synthetic structure of industrial plastics,” in Plastics, 2nd ed., vol. 3. J. Peters, Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp.15-67.

Article in a Journal

Author(s). “Article title”. Journal title, vol., pp, date. Example: G. Pevere. “Infrared Nation.” The International Journal of Infrared Design, vol. 33, pp. 56-99, Jan. 1979.

Articles from Conference Proceedings (published)

Author(s). “Article title.” Conference proceedings, year, pp. Example: D.B. Payne and H.G. Gunhold. “Digital sundials and broadband technology,” in Proc. IOOC-ECOC, 1986, pp. 557-998.

Papers Presented at Conferences (unpublished)

Author(s). “Paper’s title,” Conference name, Location, year. Example: B. Brandli and M. Dick. “Engineering names and concepts,” presented at the 2nd Int. Conf. Engineering Education, Frankfurt, Germany, 1999.


Author(s)/Inventor(s). “Name/Title.” Country where patent is registered. Patent number, date. Example: E.E. Rebecca. “Alternating current fed power supply.” U.S. Patent 7 897 777, Nov. 3, 1987


B. Electronic References


Author. (year, Month day). Book title. (edition). [Type of medium]. Vol. (issue). Available: site/path/file [date accessed]. Example: S. Calmer. (1999, June 1). Engineering and Art. (2nd edition). [On-line]. 27(3). Available: [May 21, 2003].


Author. (year, month). “Article title.” Journal title. [Type of medium]. Vol. (issue), pages. Available: site/path/file [date accessed]. Example: A. Paul. (1987, Oct.). “Electrical properties of flying machines.” Flying Machines. [Online]. 38(1), pp. 778-998. Available: www.flyingmachjourn/properties/ [Dec. 1, 2003].

World Wide Web

Author(s)*. “Title.” Internet: complete URL, date updated* [date accessed]. M. Duncan. “Engineering Concepts on Ice. Internet:, Oct. 25, 2000 [Nov. 29, 2003].

Odd Sources


Author(s)*. “Article title.” Newspaper (month, year), section, pages. Examples: B. Bart. “Going Faster.” Globe and Mail (Oct. 14, 2002), sec. A p.1. “Telehealth in Alberta.” Toronto Star (Nov. 12, 2003), sec. G pp. 1-3.

Dissertations and Thesis

Author. “Title.” Degree level, school, location, year. Example: S. Mack. “Desperate Optimism.” M.A. thesis, University of Calgary, Canada, 2000.


Lecturer(s). Occasion, Topic: “Lecture title.” Location, date. Example: S. Maw. Engg 251. Class Lecture, Topic: “Speed skating.” ICT 224, Faculty of Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Oct. 31, 2003.


Author. Subject line of posting. Personal E-mail (date). Example: J. Aston. “RE: new location, okay?” Personal e-mail (Jul. 3, 2003).

Internet - Newsgroup

Author or Topic*, “Title,” Complete network address, date when it was updated [date accessed]. Example: G.G. Gavin. “Climbing and limb torsion #3387,” USENET: sci.climb.torsion, Apr. 19, 2000 [Oct. 4, 2002].

Special Symbols and Equations

· Special symbols and equations may be inserted with Microsoft Equation 3.0. Pasting of Images copied from web sources is discouraged.

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